Robert Brown, Prof.

Dr. Adams is cer­ti­fied by the Ame­ri­can Board in Inter­nal Medi­ci­ne and in hema­to­lo­gy and medi­cal onco­lo­gy. He curr­ent­ly ser­ves as a con­sul­tant in medi­cal onco­lo­gy at Medi­cen­ter Hos­pi­tal and as the pro­gram direc­tor for the Natio­nal Health­ca­re Group Medi­cal Onco­lo­gy Resi­den­cy Pro­gram, which is run in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Medi­cen­ter Hospital.

Spe­cia­li­ty Gyneco­lo­gist
Degrees M.D. of Medicine
Are­as of Expertise
  • Ado­le­s­cent Health
  • Immu­no­lo­gy
  • Inter­nal Medicine
Office 367, Hall A
Gen­der Male


Dr. Adams is cer­ti­fied by the Ame­ri­can Board in Inter­nal Medi­ci­ne and in hema­to­lo­gy and medi­cal onco­lo­gy. He curr­ent­ly ser­ves as a con­sul­tant in medi­cal onco­lo­gy at Medi­cen­ter Hos­pi­tal and as the pro­gram direc­tor for the Natio­nal Health­ca­re Group Medi­cal Onco­lo­gy Resi­den­cy Pro­gram, which is run in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Medi­cen­ter Hospital.

  • Colo­no­sco­py
  • Gas­tro­sco­py
  • Aller­gy Test­ing
  • Mole­cu­le
  • CT Scan
  • Bron­cho­sco­py

Medi­cal Education

Roy­al Col­lege of Sur­ge­ons of Edin­burgHEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT

Pae­tos dig­nis­sim at cur­sus ele­feind nor­ma arcu. Pel­len­tes­que accum­san est in tem­pus etos ullam­cor­per, sem quam sus­ci­pit lacus mae­ce­nas tortor.

Fel­low­ship, Roy­al Col­lege of Phy­si­ci­ans & Sur­ge­ons of Glas­gowDOCTOR

Pae­tos dig­nis­sim at cur­sus ele­feind nor­ma arcu. Pel­len­tes­que accum­san est in tem­pus etos ullam­cor­per, sem quam sus­ci­pit lacus mae­ce­nas tortor.

Resi­den­cy, St. Vincent’s Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­talINTERN

Pae­tos dig­nis­sim at cur­sus ele­feind nor­ma arcu. Pel­len­tes­que accum­san est in tem­pus etos ullam­cor­per, sem quam sus­ci­pit lacus mae­ce­nas tortor.